
Gain key political intelligence that will inform your decision making

You will carry out financial and corporate governance due-diligence when making critical and strategic investment decisions; but do you carry out comprehensive political due-diligence?


By gaining political intelligence, you open your decision making to another level of due diligence.

Maybe the land you are acquiring will be blocked from development by council’s Local Plans, or the business you are merging with have political issues with imports and exports, or simply a product you are about to develop will face strict regulatory roadblocks in a few years?


This is where Aegean Consultants can help. We give you insight into the impact of government investment schemes and priorities on a particular site or location, assisting with strategic mergers, acquisitions, investments or to help secure any necessary permissions.


How we help you gain key insights

We also identify growth opportunities through a grassroots understanding of different tiers of government and their complexity.

Aegean’s report has been very helpful in providing a clearer understanding of political priorities for future investment and growth in the area Aegean review for us.

St. Modwen Logistics